Kuala Lumpur Travel Journal


This was the first airport where we had someone waiting for us on the other side which was such a nice thing being reunited with friends! We were welcomed by our friend Boon who lives in Kuala Lumpur and it was so lovely to catch up with him. There were Chinese New Year decorations everywhere and it was a comforting thing coming to a more developed country where the comforts of everyday living that we were used to were within easy reach especially with Hannah's leg injury that medical help would be nearby if needed and that we had a friend to show us around and he really looked after us, he was so sweet and went above and beyond making sure we were ok. 

We first ventured into the heart of Kuala Lumpur to the Petronas towers and walked around the beautiful park surrounding the towers. We then explored Chinatown to see the wonderful red lanterns and beautiful paper decorations filling the streets. Boon took us to his favourite Chinese restaurant and we were spoilt for choice and the food was simply delicious! We had so many different types of noodles and dishes it made my taste buds crazy for all the different new and exciting flavours. Then we ran around the markets and Boon asked if we had tried some exotic fruits like jack fruit, durian (apparently tastes like blue cheese), mangosteen and rambutan which we ate for breakfast the next day except for durian. Durian is a yellow/green colour with spikes all over it, dubbed the king of the fruits and is banned in certain public places due to the stench and has a rather love it or hate it philosophy and from the smell we weren't keen to try! My leg had swollen quite large at this point perhaps from all the walking and it had gotten quite painful to walk on so we called it a night and felt bad for putting a damper on all the fun we were having but didn't want my leg to fall off...  

I woke up the next day and my leg wasn't looking great, it was weeping a lot and every time I kept putting cream on the burn it was making it worse and oozing some lovely yellow puss - yeuuuk. We caught an uber to the Batu caves and it was incredible, Jonny and Boon ventured up the hundreds of steps to the top and into the caves and luckily didn't get bitten by any bats and made it out alive. I enjoyed watching the monkeys stealing fruit and corn! Then it was time to say goodbye to Boon as he was travelling back to his hometown to visit his family for Chinese New Year (CNY). We realised I needed the week ahead to rest and let my leg properly recover. 

We checked into our hotel and we started looking at train tickets to Thailand but were all sold out due to CNY! It was probably for the best because it forced us to take a back seat and recover and most importantly for my leg to heal. For the next few days I was bed-ridden and Jonny would go out on errands to feed me and I would make him go out and explore the city for me. My bum has never felt so numb, but it really did help, my leg recovered really quickly and was no longer oozing. It was also a great excuse to catch up with family and friends and of course lots of movies!

Once my leg started to scab, I could go out and explore the city with Jonny! First stop we headed to the tree-top walkway Jonny had found on his many wanders alone around the city. It gave a great view of the skyscrapers surrounding us and you were surrounded by gorgeous greenery and tropical trees. We then checked into our next hotel in KL with an amazing pool with views of the city skyline including the KL tower and Petronas twin towers and at night time it was magical. We wish we could've had more time to really indulge in the country and further outside KL as from speaking to others they've told us how much they enjoyed Malaysia and unfortunately most of our time was spent recovering but it was also made special being reunited by friends and taking some time to really relax.

